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HOT ROD SURF San Diego County Fair 6-26-2009
HOT ROD SURF was invited to set up a local booth at the annual San Deigo County Fair to represent some of the cool things going on in Pacific Beach. JF, MWM, and the family headed out and had a great time hanging out at the fair.
Go Out and buy the new Pinstriping Technques Volume 2.
Crazy HOT ROD SURF merch table. Books, Movies, Posters, Music….looks pretty impressive when it’s all laid out after years of work and adventure.
Hanging out at the booth MWM and family with Jeff Falk (JF)
MWM and with the Big Kahuna of Pacific Beach Karl. We were out spending time at the beer garden and forgot to close down our booth at the end of the day- thanks Karl for helping out clearing out!
This is a super funny sign JF saw at the fair Corn Hole Champion !??!!
JF with Hans getting crazy with the bumper cars.
A lot of walking and fun in the sun.
MWM and family
MWM with his son Walt Mehran. Walt at age eight took the cool photos for the new music CD from THE GREEN LEAF for the Pintriping Techniques Volume 2 movie soundtrack release (HOT ROD SURF Publishing).
The San Diego County Fair is held once a year at the Del Mar Fairgrounds and is a community oriented event where there are rides, food, and fun! If you’re in SD when it’s on you should check it out!
2009 HOT ROD SURF/Choppers by Hot Rod Surf®. All Rights Reserved.